PLs PLUS: Hill Walking Weekend

Barnswood Scout Camp Leek Old Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire, United Kingdom

IMPORTANT NOTE TO PARENTS: Accepting this invitation means that you give consent for your Scout to take part AND that you have checked and confirmed the contact, medical and diet details included in the Personal Information on My.Scout.   Fancy a bit of adventure? How about a weekend in the Peak District with some hillwalking! This […]


Scouts’ Water Activities Weekend

Dockland Scout Project HQTS Lord Amory, 631 Manchester Road, Dollar Bay, London, United Kingdom

This weekend includes sailing, kayaking, canoeing and various other water-based activities. Scouts will sleep in cabins either in a bunk or camp bed on a ship called the Lord Amory moored in the East India Dock, adjacent to Canary Wharf. All water activity staff/instructors are fully qualified by the Docklands Scout Project and they have a range […]

District Beaver Train Afternoon

North London Society Of Model Engineers Church Lane, St Albans, Herts, United Kingdom

North London Society of Model Engineers, Church Lane, St Albans AL4 0NJ

PLs PLUS: Hike Camp

Danemead Scout Campsite Broxbourne Common, Cock Lane, Broxbourne, Herts, United Kingdom

This is a hike camp for older Scouts only. You will carry everything you need with you, including tents, cooking equipment and food. The hike will be about 10km on Saturday and 10km on Sunday. We will set up camp at  Danemead Scout campsite near Broxbourne. The cost will be £20 - if you are taking part, please […]


District Scouts’ Fun Day

Frith Grange Scout Campsite Frith Lane, London, United Kingdom

Download the details here: BBSD-Scouts-Fun-Day-2022-poster


Scout Summer Camp

Drum Hill Scout Camp Morley Lane, Little Eaton, Derby, United Kingdom

Drum Hill is a Scout campsite in Little Eaton, just north of Derby and close to the Peak District.. The site has lots of facilities (including toilets, showers and a Providore) and on-site activities such as archery and climbing. Scouts will sleep in tents and camp in Patrols, cooking on wood fires. Activities will include […]
