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IMPORTANT NOTE TO PARENTS: Accepting this invitation means that you give consent for your Scout to take part AND that you have checked and confirmed the contact, medical and diet details included in the Personal Information on My.Scout.
Fancy a bit of adventure? How about a weekend in the Peak District with some hillwalking!
This is a “PLs PLUS” activity, for Pls, APLs and older scouts only. We will meet at Manor Drive at 5pm on Friday 17 June and travel by minibus to Barnswood Scout camp in Staffordshire, where we will have indoor accommodation.
Return will be 6pm approx. on Sunday 19th June.
The cost will be £50. (We will be subsidising the event with a Jack Petchey Award)
You should be able to work out what kit you will need for yourselves. My list would include:
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.